
I was recently watching the recording of a political cabaret live performance. For my German readers, it was, of course, Volker Pispers with the 2010 version of his “Bis Neulich” programme. He was ridiculing the economical nonsense of a news announcement predicting the pension premium rates for 2050, wondering how one can pretend to derive any serious information from such detailed predictions that far in the future, including his wonderful line “economic experts are people who calculate how the future will look like if everything remains exactly as it is now”. He invited us to think back in time and to consider which events of the last 20 years would have appeared like a reasonable prediction in 1990. In an off-hand joke he posed as a hypothetical student asking “what, no Wikipedia? How did you do your homework then!?”. And then it hit me.

Just because Wikipedia exists, schools didn’t stop giving out homework. Even the most slow-to-adapt school systems can’t help but realise that at this point, virtually everyone has access to the internet, meaning that all answers can be looked up, interpretations can be found, essays can be assembled from sufficiently reworded sources and Google generally knows everything. I pulled a somewhat audacious stunt myself about 10 years ago, when I failed to read an assigned book in time and instead looked up a one-page summary and interpretation of “what it is supposed to mean” on the then-young internet, and proceeded to score an A+ for an oral discussion of a book I never read. And yet, homework is still around, going strong and I think we’d be rather surprised if it was announced to us that there is now a general consensus that “homework is pointless, since everything can be looked up”. We’d have a thing or two to say about throwing out the baby with the bath water.

This made me wonder whether we’ve been all a bit rash to completely and indisputably give up on riddles, secrets and mysteries in games – especially online games, especially MMORPGs. The widely accepted reasoning goes that with the power of crowd-sourcing, the more interest your game generates (i.e. the less likely you are to simply go bust because nobody buys your stuff), the less time it will take for every single secret to be discovered, disclosed and meticulously broken down on countless wikis, guides and community websites. Thus, in the Age of the Internet, every task or mechanic relying on the player having to find something out in one way or other may as well just not exist at all. Everyone will tab out, look it up and the development effort will be disproportionately higher than the game experience derived. Occam’s Razor did the rest. Was it wrong to assume that riddles and secrets are worthless because you can circumvent them with external knowledge? I think it depends.

Granted, educational institutions have a slightly different take on things: their goal is to teach you to seek out and apply knowledge, not necessarily to create knowledge. Finding the answer on Wikipedia isn’t really worse than finding it in your textbook; training in finding desired information through modern media is arguably quite beneficial. In the above personal example, the primary reason I got a good grade was that whenever a classmate would stumble through a failed attempt to express their thoughts concisely, I’d catch the drift of what he was going for, cross-match it with the short summary I read, wait for the teacher to cut them off, pipe up and deliver a well formulated version of that same thought. You see, I dare say I’m somewhat clever and can express myself reasonably well, and since those are the very qualities the school system is out to teach, I don’t think I cheated it all that much. Or, in other words, I did cheat it, but without invalidating its purpose.

Games don’t have this particular advantage going for them, but they have another, revealed once again by looking at the goal: games aim to be fun, to increase your joy, your level of satisfaction. Satisfaction can be derived from various aspects (achievement, immersion, socialising etc etc) in varying combinations, but it is always the overarching goal of a game; in the simplified world view where you do things either because they keep you alive or because they bring you joy (not necessarily mutually exclusive), games are firmly in the second camp. So the question that needs to be asked is not whether someone would tab out to look up the solution, but why someone would tab out to look up the solution. And the answer is simple: because searching for it themselves is not fun. It doesn’t mean that people hate riddles, it means you gave them a bad riddle! Riddles have a bad name because they tend to be this thing that slows your gaming flow down to a crawl and makes you stand around staring at some unintuitive interface or some such. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Several questions need to be asked.

Is the process through which the riddle is solved fun in itself? – Clicking on static objects cannot be the only mechanic used in solving riddles. An element of “figuring it out” can be applied to all sorts of game activities, and all sorts of game activities can be involved in the process of solving riddles. If your game is about slaying dragons while your riddles all consist of clicking on bottles, then yes, they’ll come across pretty lame.

Is the process through which the riddle is solved part of the game world? – A riddle should be a challenge posed to and solved by my character/avatar, by means available to my character/avatar. Sure, it’s me who controls him, but … no, actually that’s not even a “but”. The riddle should be solved as I control my character, not as I sit there with pen and paper, ’cause that’s less than a step away from Google.

Do you focus on the solution or on the search for it? – Easy mistake to make: here’s my riddle, here’s how the riddle is solved. But how, i.e. through what process and activity, does one arrive at the solution? If all you focus on while designing the riddle is the solution, that will be what players will focus on as well. You have to provide a path if you want people to walk it.

Are your players in a hurry? – Also known as the WoW-Syndrome. If the driving force in your game design is the accumulation of staggered rewards, then yes, the majority of your players will take every short cut imaginable to get to the reward faster. Be warned, because WoW shows that speed is addictive, and you’ll need to somehow increase it with every update, endlessly streamlining until every second not spent rushing full speed towards some destination is perceived as wasted.

Did you try to design a game element or a time sink? – Be honest. Players will know.

Will everyone like it? – Doesn’t actually matter. No one game mechanic was ever universally beloved by everyone. Tastes are different, perceptions of fun are different. Even in one person: what I want to do today, I may not like tomorrow. If anything, it should be an incentive not to design all of your game around One Thing, rather than to kick out features not everyone may love. If you leave out everything someone might not enjoy, you’ll end up with a blinking dot in the middle of a rectangle faster than you can finish reading this post.

Can it be done in a group? – Massively Multiplayer. At the very least, multiplayer. If your riddles are a process during which one person works towards a “Eureka!” while everyone else sits around unaffected, go back to the drawing board. Think about meaningful sharing of gained knowledge, think about mechanics that allow people to help each other: “help” being notably different from “do it for you”! This isn’t easy. It’s a challenge. But solving riddles together that allow you to truly cooperate in finding the solution is so much more satisfying. It is, in a way, the essence of MMORPGs.

Does it stay the same every time? – That’s the question, isn’t it. A static riddle isn’t always bad: not if it’s well designed, with a focus on the search for the solution and using entertaining mechanics while being rooted in the game world. Bringing in random elements isn’t automatically good: it is, if you can meaningfully diversify. Now, a riddle which is not actually a riddle but a problem situation as presented by a dynamic state of the world with various available solutions through differing approaches, each with built in variations: jackpot.

As a friend of mine tends to say:

We can’t stop people from ruining the game experience for themselves, nor should we try. All we can do is to design in a way that doesn’t make them want to.

PS: Despite having a heavy crush on RIFT, I am objective enough to not really consider its puzzles (one per zone) very much as riddles in the above sense. They’re all variations of clicking on static objects; are completely devoid of any relevance or connection to the game world (as a matter of fact, they are, as a rule, always in particularly hard to access spots, there is no explanation or justification for their presence whatsoever, nor does solving them have any perceived or even hinted at effect on anything); are entirely solution-focused, the only effective progress feedback being “you won!”; they incentivise through very powerful rewards; are for the most part solo-only deals (and the one that actually encourages cooperation does it in a horrible way); all in all leaving an impression of “just being there for variety”. Which is all good and fine, but they don’t make RIFT a “game with riddles” in any other than the most literal way (it mathematically contains riddles).

6 thoughts on “Wikipedia

  1. Kring

    When I want to level, I want to level not solve riddles. Riddles during quests force you to do stuff (think about the riddle) at times you would prefer to do other stuff (kill stuff for XP).

    In addition to that, taking the slow route is somewhat not an option if you still need to run the daily heroic afterwards and need to collect some gear to get into your Friday raid.

    The level cap should have stayed at 60 and all quests of all the expansions should have been an “alternative” end game, not rewarding anything you need for running dungeons.

    1. Alq

      Aside from the kill things for xp (does it always HAVE to be killing things for xp?!), your comment drove home something to me, something that I’ve been fighting with inwardly over the last few months.

      “somewhat not an option if you still need to run the daily heroic afterwards and need to collect some gear to get into your Friday raid”

      It’s the use of the word “need”. I’ve been having a few issues with that word myself recently, because I want to want to do things, rather than feel that I need to do them otherwise I’m not going to be fit to raid etc.

      No criticism here, more the opposite – it’s got me mulling over things for a future blog post myself now!

    2. Rem Post author

      Talking on a personal level, I think you should not forget what you want/need over what others may want/need from you 😉

      Talking on a game design level, I don’t think cutting out all “needs” necessarily results in a better game. The route to a “want” does often go via “need”. If I want to improve my smith skill, I need metal. If I want to fight the big evil dragon, I need to show up with appropriate (whatever may be appropriate) gear.

      What I think is wrong is spending 90% of your time in a “need”-loop you don’t enjoy, all for a rare and brief glimpse of “want”.

    3. Rem Post author

      That’s what I meant when I tried to state that a game asking you to figure things out shouldn’t at the same time be rushing and hurrying you all the time. Honestly, it wasn’t just a jab at WoW 😉

      It’s this vicious circle again: we declare endgame the goal, so we simplify levelling, making it less attractive, emphasising the endgame more, creating the desire to level faster, so we simplify levelling further, making it less attractive, so we simplify it further, making it less attractive… until we arrive at the point where the only honest answer to “why is there still a levelling game” becomes “so they can collect our sub fees while we level”. Again, not a jab at WoW, I’m not blaming companies for trying to earn money. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Levelling is not a bad thing, unless the game’s design makes it bad.

      Agreed about the level cap, I grew to seriously dislike the concept of vertical expansions and shall elaborate on that hopefully soon.

  2. Telwyn

    Wikis for games are a scourge in that they encourage mindless repetition of the most efficient method/path/tactic/solution to any element of gameplay. Of course you can ignore them and go it alone but I fear that many games are developed assuming that Wikis, strategy videos etc will be used. So you have complex boss fights that would require so many wipes to resolve by experimentation.

    True puzzles or riddles are pretty rare in MMOs, at least from my experience to date. DDO had some great puzzles, usually which could be solved as a group, some even requiring X players to complete. Sadly they’re all static and you learn them eventually or you’re with others who just do them to avoid wasting any time to get to the loot at the end.

    I’d like more MMOs to offer decent puzzles, maybe more as optional extras or side-treks from main plots and quests so that puzzle-fans can get their fix without it interrupting the race to end-game for everyone else.

    1. Rem Post author

      I don’t think we can blame people for wanting to share their experience and help others understand the workings of a game. In fact, I find discussions about “how things work” and “why things work the way they work” quite valuable. The problem, in my eyes, is that the conversation doesn’t stop at fundamentals and mechanics, but carries on to a precise step by step instruction. Which, I think, is more to blame on demand than supply. People these days seem to be asking for a “guide” for virtually everything and don’t seem to care much for why doing something is good as long as someone just tells them what to do.

      It’s true, content designers these days appear to be pretty much working on the assumption that we use external resources and helper tools and don’t even bother to give us a proper way to notice/figure things out on our own. That’s pretty frustrating.

      Regarding puzzles interrupting … no wait, that’s going to be too long, I better make a separate post on this.

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